Posted by: ladybughugs | April 27, 2010


So, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Just after my last post I was knocked off balance by my former employer. We (my co-workers in my department) arrived on Monday morning and were told that we had a meeting scheduled. When we arrived, we all sat down around the table. Our Director was there and the look on her face told me that this would not be good. We were waiting for the HR rep. After about 3.2 seconds Ms. Director decided to proceed without her.

The company execs decided they didn’t need us anymore. We were all being let go. …because they won’t be making books anymore? No, they’re sending our work out of house. …outsourcing. It should be a four-letter word. We were given 30 days notice. I spent half that time making doctors appointments for everyone to use up the funds in my Flexible Spending Account. (The account is fully funded on January 1st and if you use it all and then leave/are let go the company takes a hit. TAKE THAT!)

Ms. Director took a level cut to Manager, they kept on three supervisors to manage the vendors, and an archivist. About 60 people were let go. 60 people who took the quality of the products we were working on personally. No vendor will put as much effort as we did, into ensuring the product is as close to perfect as it can possibly be.

Anyway, my head has not been in a good place for writing. I’ve been dealing with upper back/shoulder pain for most of the time. I remember remarking to my mother that it had been bothering me the first weekend in February. I noticed this morning that it wasn’t so bad. That’s almost three months of pain.

Tomorrow will be the nine-week mark of my last day of work. Two days of being snowed in and a weekend wrapped up February. I landed on my feet the following week with some freelance work. Then I spent a week (with a very good friend’s help) cleaning my house. I spent the second half of March and the first half of April working through the program at the outplacement company. Job search has certainly come a looong way in the past 13 years! My resume is officially buttoned up. Tweaks might be required in order to satisfy a specific job posting, but all in all it looks pretty good.

Anyone know anyone who might be looking for a print production/page layout/production artist? temp, perm, temp-to-perm.

to be continued

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