Posted by: ladybughugs | May 15, 2008

How It Happened

So yesterday I was thinking that the school that my son attends needs another solution for all the notices that come home. What a huge waste of paper! Also, I don’t always see all these pages in a timely manner. Why does each notice need its own piece of paper? New bus schedule/route for such-and-such a date. My son doesn’t ride the bus. Why do I need this piece of paper? Yes, that information is important to someone, but what if their kid is as unreliable as mine and they don’t get the news until they clean out the backpack in August?

The school is getting a new principal. I think she’ll be great. She has loads of experience and is bringing so many new ideas with her. Homework assignments will be posted on the internet every night. Alleluia! So why can’t we have notes posted daily, or weekly, or as often as needed, as well? I started thinking, why don’t we post all those pesky notices in a blog-type form. Parents can decide whether they want to continue receiving all the paper notices or opt-out. Someone is typing them already, so why can’t they type them into a blog. Or send them to me and I’ll post them. How much time would it take? Probably less time that it takes for someone to stand in front of the copier.

So I asked one of my favorite bloggers (LFM) how one would go about doing it.

She got all excited, and I’m all no, no, not for me, for the school! Oh, she says.

But maybe I need to try it out on my own before I crash and burn in front of the entire school.

She got all excited. What would I call it? Username? ladybug was taken. She came up with ladybughugs but not before suggesting chocolatecoveredladybugs or some such ridiculous thing. ewww.

Any way, I’m here now.

I’ll try to keep things upbeat and positive.

I’ll try not to vent too much. Though some days, like this one here require venting. or chocolate. or wine. lots of wine. and whine. New rule: if you have to spend an extra hour sitting in the van you get to whine. Because an hour and ten minutes is a long enough commute.

Meanwhile, I haven’t heard back from the folks at school about what they think of the idea of taking one small step in the ‘green’ direction. You think I should just do it and send them the link, so they can see how easy it is? I’ll admit, before yesterday the idea of a blog was intimidating to me.


  1. I think it’s a great idea and you bet when LF hits school age, or hey I might even mention it to her daycare, I’ll be bringing up the idea (if it hasn’t already caught on by then!!!).

  2. […] to take care of. I had to stop in at Scout’s school to speak with the new principal about this. (She loves the idea!) Scout stayed outside with a couple of friends and I took Lil’bug […]

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